ASM Program Day 2 – Saturday 19 October
- 08:30 – 17:30 – Followed by the Social Spectacular
- Adelaide Convention Centre
Session One – Wise Insights into Real World Experiences
08:30 Welcome by the Moderator – Journalist Mike Smithson
08:40 Experiences in the Kosovo war
09:05 TBA
09:30 Christchurch earthquake 13 years on: Can you ever be prepared for this level trauma?
09:55 TBA
10:20 Audience and panel discussion
Session Two – Artificial Intelligence in the Emergency Surgery Setting
11:00 What does a General Surgeon need to know about AI in medicine
11:20 Application of AI in Trauma Care
11:40 ChatGPT and its role in medical science
11:55 Audience and panel discussion
12:10 Keynote Address: War in Ukraine. Mass casualties on a grand scale
12:40 Research podium presentations
Session Three – After the Trauma
14:00 Good Samaritan? Forget about it (you need a lawyer)
14:20 Amputation: Is it time to think of it as a reconstruction option ?
14:40 Psychological impact of trauma
15:00 Repercussions of open abdomen
15:20 Rehabilitation
15:40 Panel Discussion
16:00 – 16:30 AFTERNOON TEA
Session Four – ASU Debate
16:30 Debate: Acute Surgical Unit: Relevance and resources
*This is an in-person event – attending virtually is not an option. However, the program will be recorded, and provided speaker-consent is given, securely stored on the members-only area of the GSA website for on-demand viewing. Please note that it can take up to six weeks before recordings become available.